5 Reasons EXAKT Ointment Mills Are Better Than Mixers

Compounding EXAKT

A comparative study conducted at the University of Hamburg, Institute of Pharmacy in Hamburg Germany concluded that the quality of compounds processed with EXAKT ointment mills is better than those processed with electric mixing systems. The particle size is smaller and the particle size distribution is more narrow. Ointment stability is better. Temperatures do not […]

EXAKT Ointment Mills Get Results

EXAKT Three Roll Mill with topical

EXAKT three ointment mills deliver results that are consistent and reproducible. A comparative study conducted at the University of Hamburg, Institute of Pharmacy in Hamburg, Germany concluded that the quality of ointments processed with EXAKT ointment mills is better than those processed with electric mixing systems. The study highlighted the following conclusions: The particle size […]

Make Your Mill Safer With the Nip Guard

Add an extra layer of safety to your EXAKT 50 I three roll mill. Order here.  Make a great mill even better Add another layer of safety Attaches fast – no tools needed Save $$ on costly repairs Keep more of your spatulas Designed for EXAKT 50I use only.  

Conventional Mixing vs EXAKT Milling

EXAKT Ointment Mill Results

A study at the University of Hamburg, Institute of Pharmacy in Hamburg Germany concluded that the quality of compounds processed with three roll mills is better than those processed with electric mixing systems. The particle size is smaller and the distribution is more narrow. Ointment stability is better. Temperatures do not increase significantly during processing. […]

6 Great Features of the 80S Plus

The new EXAKT 80S PLUS has higher safety standards, easier operation, and an even more precise adjustment of the gap. With a powerful motor, optional temperature control, and the choice of ceramic and metallic rollers, the new 80S Plus was designed for processing a wide range of different materials. This three roll mill works well […]

It makes cleaning safe and easy

Add another layer of safety to your mill with this cleaning guard. Only compatible with the EXAKT 50 I. Order by calling 800-866-7172. Or email: EXAKTorders@exaktusa.com. Order here:

5 Reasons to Choose EXAKT Ointment Mills

EXAKT EC Plus Pharmacy

Because precision matters. EXAKT produces the most precise, safe, and user-friendly machines in their respective industries. These products are an investment meant to last. The “Made in Germany” stamp you see on each of our machines embodies the meticulous attention to detail and pride in workmanship. Our equipment is something special, and we want you […]

Conventional Mixing vs EXAKT Milling

Compounding EXAKT

A comparative study conducted at the University of Hamburg, Institute of Pharmacy in Hamburg Germany concluded that the quality of compounds processed with EXAKT ointment mills is better than those processed with electric mixing systems. The particle size is smaller and the particle size distribution is more narrow. Ointment stability is better. Temperatures do not […]

It Makes Cleaning Three Roll Mills Safe and Easy


Add another layer of safety to your mill with this cleaning guard.  The cleaning bar keeps paper towels from getting stuck in the nip. For use with the EC Plus and 50I. Order online here.  Or you can email exaktorders@exaktusa.com. To see more EXAKT three roll mill videos, click here.

9 Highlights: 50I Three Roll Mill

EXAKT 50I Three Roll Mill

The EXAKT 50 I Three Roll Mill is an especially compact, versatile, and easy-to-operate unit for applications where excellent dispersing is essential. Working with separate roller sets is particularly effective in regard to fast cleaning, the avoidance of cross-contamination, and downtimes due to changing the product. EXAKT 50 is indispensable for research, development, and training. […]