Krosby’s Story

Krosby Cox a smiling young girl with shaved head wearing blue jean jacket smiling

Krosby Cox is a vibrant 8-year old girl who was diagnosed with Osteosarcoma, an aggressive form of cancer, in March 2018. Krosby’s treatment plan included surgery to remove the cancerous mass, 9 months of rigorous chemo, most of them as 3-6 days of in-patient treatment, and another surgery to amputate her leg and prepare her for her best chance at using a new prosthetic leg. Krosby has been through a lot. She is learning to adapt to her new body and after receiving her prosthetic leg on October 9th, is learning to walk again. Through it all, Krosby and her family knew they could rely on the Ronald McDonald House  and Family Room to provide a home-away-from home. Krosby has had a long journey so far and there is still a long road to travel – but in doing so, she has become a hero to the people around her. Her strength has given all those who know her a new appreciation for life.
